Femmes et hommes, progressons ensemble
TV serie | CONGO

Femmes et Hommes, Progressons Ensemble was a 4 year project piloted by Unicef in DR Congo to fight and criminalize Gender Based Violence within the DRC. The sister organization of compagnie Dakar in DRC, Arts en Actions, developed an awareness campaign addressing gender based violence in a multi activity, multi sectoral approach.

The approach consisted of an array of simultaneous activities: TV and Radio campaigns, large scale public events, open air theater in all parts of Kinshasa and two provinces, dance competitions, participatory theatre events and training. The project was part of a major UNICEF/EU awareness campaign, carried out by Arts en Actions, and consisted of more than 20 TV episodes, 60 radio shows, 8 participatory theatre groups touring in 2 provinces, 100 mass theater shows, 100 mobile cinema screenings and a musical comedy show which toured in 8 municipalities of the city ​​of Kinshasa.

Guido Kleene directed and produced for Arts en Actions with support from Compagnie Dakar a 20 episode TV series on Gender Based Violence cases, raising awareness on human rights and sexual rights violations. The TV series was broadcasted on 4 national television channels reaching millions of viewers in DR Congo.


Dance Competitions | Congo


Kuleta Haki | Congo