Gender Games | CONGO

Compagnie Dakar has developed, in collaboration with partner organizations Arts en Actions (DRC) and SangoA (DRC), innovative methodologies using games, sports, music and other live events to open the mind and the hearts of local actors to discuss sensitive gender themes - such as gender issues. violence, gender equality and meaningful youth participation.

Football games between women and young people have been very successful in rural communities in Congo. The matches followed a special procedure, in which the scoring team could exchange a player from the other team. The games was paired with workshops and participatory group discussions.

The methodology has been implemented in SNV, UNICEF and EU projects in Dr Congo.

The photos come from an awareness campaign on sharing and valuing women in the family agricultural business – for the SNV Maniok project in villages in the provinces of Bandundu and Kinshasa. (August 2014 – December 2014)


Enfants Sorciers | NL


Dance Competitions | Congo